Are you active in the beauty industry on the Polish market, but you are tired of boring Instagram Stories? You are not alone. Consumers are tired of it, too. Yes, influencer marketing in Poland – especially in the beauty industry – is slowly losing its credibility. So, you will either be creative, or disappear into a crowd of more innovative competition. To inspire you, we have 6 examples of unusual business ideas for cooperation with top Polish beauty influencers!

Table of contents:

1. Influencer trip

An influencer trip is more than just a getaway. It is a perfectly planned experience inviting influencers to engage with the brand’s world deeply. These trips often combine luxurious photoshoots, product workshops, and adventures designed for social media sharing. Instead of simple product placement, influencers create stories about the brand while experiencing it in a real-life setting.

How to do it right

  • Organize a free destination trip to a scenic location (e.g., a luxury spa or a beachside villa).
  • Limit the group to 5–10 carefully selected influencers whose audiences align with your target demographic.
  • Encourage creators to share real-time updates through Instagram Stories, Reels, and TikToks.
  • Plan photogenic moments. Consider branded installations, themed breakfasts, or relaxing spa sessions where the products are naturally integrated.
  •  Create an exclusive IG hashtag for the trip and ensure influencers use it in their content.

Content ideas

  • Influencers should naturally share photos, videos, and IG Stories throughout the trip. Encourage them to create vlogs or recap posts summarizing their experience.
  • Document the trip from your brand’s perspective and create a highlight reel for social media.
  • All content should be converted into ads, Instagram highlights, blog posts, or even email newsletters.
  • Repost influencers’ content on your brand’s official SM channels or create collaborative posts to extend the campaign’s reach.

Pro tip from PR agency:

Ensure your trip has a unique theme to create cohesive content across all influencers’ platforms. Add interactive pieces like makeup tutorials, skincare workshops, or a masterclass with experts. It will help influencers leave with valuable knowledge they can share with their followers. At our agency, we can handle the entire event for you – we will select the right influencers, book the trip and activities, and ensure that they fulfill their campaign commitments.


[reklama] Są momenty i miejsca, które przywołują dobre wspomnienia. Domaine de La Rose we Francji już zawsze będzie przypominało mi o zapachach La vie est belle 💕 @Lancôme #lancomeXnotino #lavieestbellelancome #lancomepoland #fragrance

♬ original sound – julia

Wiedza, eksperci, mnóstwo atrakcji – to był cudowny czas!😍 @La Roche-Posay @CeraVe @Vichy Laboratoires #larocheposay #cerave #vichy #skincare #medfluencersacademy #współpracapłatna

♬ dźwięk oryginalny – blindsapphire

2. Influencer event

An influencer event is a gathering that highlights a product launch, rebranding, or seasonal campaign. Unlike traditional press events, popular influencer events prioritize Instagrammable aesthetics, interactive experiences, and shareable content opportunities. It is a perfect environment where influencers can discover the brand firsthand while generating high-quality content.

How to do it right

  • The success of such an event requires two factors: experience and visibility. Every corner of the event must scream “photo opportunity” (but it should not feel staged).
  • Offer influencers a list of activities, such as live tutorials, product testing stations, and Q&A sessions with cosmetic experts.
  • Compel event highlights into a recap video for your brand’s advertising channels.
  • Ask influencers to create follow-up posts reviewing their favourite moments or products from the event.
  • Create a “Thank You” package with follow-up materials (exclusive product samples, event photos, or discount codes). It keeps the engagement going beyond the event day.

Content ideas

  • Create a special hashtag and encourage creators to post Stories and Reels during the event.
  • Integrate event footage to create a video recap and share it across SM platforms.
  • Follow up with influencers and ask for their posts reviewing the event.
  • Invite beauty journalists from the Polish press alongside influencers to maximize coverage.
  • Create a press release about the event and send it to beauty media outlets, including photos and videos.

Pro tip from PR agency:

Design unique branded experiences at the event (like makeup demo stations, product labs, or interactive photo booths) to give influencers material to share. Surprise them with unexpected moments, such as a celebrity guest appearance or a secret product reveal, to spark excitement.


@Maybelline Polska umie w eventy! Dziękuję bardzo za zaproszenie, było super 🩷 [reklama]

♬ dźwięk oryginalny – Wersow

mini vlog z premiery mascary „Call Me Queen” @essence_cosmetics w Wiedniu🇦🇹🎀 [wspolpraca płatna] #callmequeen #callmequeenvienna

♬ original sound – ig: klaudiakempska🫦🎀🫧

3. Co-creating products

Work with influencers to design something unique that reflects their style and personal brand. Co-creating products transform influencers into true brand partners. Whether it is a custom lipstick shade, a skincare set, or a fragrance line, these products feel more authentic, driving strong engagement and trust.

How to do it right

  • Successful co-creation campaigns start with selecting the right influencer. It should be someone who genuinely loves your brand and whose community aligns with your target market. 
  • Product design – let influencers choose colours, formulas, or product names.
  • Packaging design – include their logo, signature, or personalized message on the packaging.
  • Marketing campaign – give them a leading role in the SM campaign.

Content ideas

  • Create a series of teaser videos showing the development process.
  • Run a countdown campaign on SM leading up to the launch.
  • Integrate your content across social ads, website banners, and newsletters.
  • Ask the influencer to share the product development journey.
  • Turn the product launch into a multi-stage campaign, including unboxing videos, tutorials, and giveaways.

Pro tip from PR agency:

Limit the product to increase excitement and urgency among followers. Ensure the creator’s branding is visible on the product or packaging. It will increase emotional attachment and authenticity.


Jesteśmy w Rossmannie @Everybodylondon!!! 😭🎀✨ Wiem ile z Was na to czekało. W końcu możecie dorwać te perełki stacjonarnie. Nawet nie wiecie jak bardzo jestem wdzięczna i dumna, od wczoraj zasypujecie mnie zdjęciami ze standów czy pustych półek, niezmiernie Wam dziękuję i liczę, że każdy z produktów spełni Wasze oczekiwanie w 100%! Oczywiście koniecznie dajcie mi znać co udało Wam się upolować i który produkt jest Waszym ulubionym, oznaczajcie nas i podsyłacie swoje piękne makijaże! PS. Ilość produktów jest ograniczona więc spieszcie się!

♬ original sound – Kardashian clips 🎬

4. Brand ambassador

An ambassador partnership goes beyond one-time collaborations. It involves an influencer becoming the face of your brand, representing it across multiple campaigns and channels over an extended time. It builds trust, credibility, and consistency in the influencer’s community.

How to do it right

  • Treat brand ambassadors as your long-term content creators and storytellers.
  • Work with ambassadors for regular product features and ongoing campaigns.
  • Integrate ambassadors into SM, print campaigns, and live events for the omnichannel presence.
  • Allow them to host live Q&A sessions or giveaways to boost social interaction.
  • Integrate ambassador-generated content in your SM, newsletters, and website visuals.

Content ideas

  • Ongoing product reviews and tutorials.
  • Exclusive giveaways and live sessions.
  • Paid SM ads.
  • Billboards and print campaigns.
  • Website and e-commerce visuals.

Pro tip from PR agency:

Ambassadors should feel like part of the brand family. Involve them in strategic meetings or internal events to create a stronger bond. Carefully choose your brand ambassadors. They will have a real influence on the overall image of the brand. Our agency has a team of specialists in this field. If you need help, we can handle the entire process for you.


Moje TOP produkty 2024 roku od marki @neboa ! 🥰 [reklama] ✨ To must-have w mojej pielęgnacji – sprawdzają się idealnie i dla mnie, i dla całej rodziny! Do końca grudnia macie szansę upolować je w MEGA promocji w drogeriach Rossmann ❤️ Dajcie koniecznie znać jakich Wy macie ulubieńców marki Neboa! #reklama #włosy #glossyhair #neboa #neboakids #włosomaniaczka #pielęgnacjawłosów #rossmann #kosmetykidowłosów #pielegnacja #pielęgnacjawłosów

♬ dźwięk oryginalny – banas.magda

Moje Top 10 z kolekcji It Girl AA Wings Of Color 🩵 Jestem niesamowicie szczęśliwa i wdzięczna, że tak chętnie kupujecie te produkty 😍🙏🏼 Dziękuję również za wszystkie oznaczenia, wiadomości, publikacje i cały Wasz feedback💕 Macie już swoich ulubieńców It Girl?🥹 @KosmetykiAA Kolekcja jest limitowana i dostępna na wyłączność w drogeriach @Rossmann Polska #kosmetyki #kosmetykiaa #makijaż #rossmann Autopromocja

♬ original sound – Brandscents

5. PR boxes

PR boxes are special packages sent to influencers. They typically contain new products, seasonal releases, or exclusive brand collections. However, their thoughtful design, storytelling elements, and personal touch set impactful PR boxes apart from ordinary mailers. In Poland, beauty influencers are overwhelmed with generic PR boxes. Brands must go the extra to create a memorable, intentional unboxing experience.

How to do it right

  • A well-designed PR box should tell a story. Think of it as a mini-campaign and take it as an opportunity to create authentic and visually pleasing content.
  • Invest in premium packaging and add personal touches, such as handwritten notes or customized wrapping.
  • Build the box around a specific theme (such as Christmas) to make it more engaging.
  • Include instructions or creative prompts to guide influencers in showcasing the products.
  • Choose products that actually align with the influencer’s preferences (e.g., skincare for a skincare-focused creator).
  • Add an interactive element, such as a QR code for a tutorial or contest.

Content ideas

  • After influencers receive their boxes, repost their content across the brand’s channels. 
  • Create an “Unboxing Highlight” on the brand’s Instagram or a carousel post featuring influencer photos. 
  • Use unboxing videos in paid campaigns to show real experiences with your products.

Pro tip from PR agency:

Do not overwhelm influencers with too many products. Quality is always better than quantity.


UNBOXING paczki pr od @Benefit Poland @berriesandco 🫶🏼 #prezent #unboxing #unboxingpr

♬ original sound – Miss Maria

6. Social impact campaign

A social impact campaign uses the influencer’s channels for brand promotion and raising awareness about a meaningful cause. Whether about sustainability, inclusivity, mental health, or women empowerment, these campaigns bring a deeper emotional connection between the brand, influencer, and their community. In Poland, these campaigns can create a strong emotional bond with followers.

How to do it right

  • Choose a cause that aligns with your brand values. Something that feels genuine, not forced. The campaign should blend product promotion with cause awareness.
  • Define a clear, measurable goal.
  • Encourage the community – through donations, SM challenges, or product purchases tied to the cause.
  • Create a campaign-specific hashtag to track engagement.
  • Ensure all the content is shared on Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok.
  • Measure social impact alongside product sales.

Content ideas

  • Educate. Partner with influencers who can create informative posts, carousels, or Reels about the cause.
  • Integrate influencer-generated content to drive broader campaign awareness.
  • Create a landing page for the campaign.
  • Include influencer stories in newsletters and amplify content through paid social campaigns.
  • Send press releases to media – not only to beauty or marketing-focused outlets but also to nationwide, horizontal ones. Polish journalists are eager to cover such topics.

Pro tip from PR agency:

Authenticity is key. Work with influencers who have previously shown genuine interest in the cause. They will resonate more with the audience. While searching for the right creators, check their target audience demographics (including the age and the size of the community). You can find rankings on websites such as DDOB to download the list of the most popular Polish beauty influencers on Instagram. They collect all the data and update it every month. 


Za cienkie. Za rzadkie. Siano. Strąki. Wypadły. Po ciąży, po stresującym czasie, po chorobie. Jak z okładki? Nie. Krótkie. „Na chłopaka”. Bo lubię. Bo chcę.  Większość kobiet uważa swoje włosy za istotny element swojego wyglądu. Kampania Moja HAIRstoria to opowieść o tym, że z włosami nie zawsze wszystko idzie gładko. Trichotillomania. Łysienie plackowate. Wypadanie… garściami. W połogu, w kryzysie, po chemii. Łysienie telogenowe. Ale dlaczego ja? Te niezrozumiane, kręcone, „gorsze”. Szopa. Zaniedbane. Wizytówka kobiety? Zaczynają siwieć. Czy muszę zacząć farbować?  Chcemy mówić o tym wszystkim głośno. Bez wstydu, bez tabu, bez filtra.  Zapraszamy Cię w tę podróż.  W najbliższych tygodniach poznacie 11 wyjątkowych HAIRstorii 💜 Jesteś gotowa? Nasze bohaterki: @sylwia lipka 🎶 @Kajam się @Łysa Baba 🍒 @wioletta_drankiewicz, @Aniamaluje @zakręcovnia | kręcone włosy @mazurekewapl @Ogi Ugonoh, @claudiazajqc , @e_drozdz i @Martyna | Top Model 11 #mojaHAIRstoria #hairpositivity #włosopozytywność 📽️ Reżyseria & Art Direction: Kuba Januszewski DoP: Szymon Jarząbek Producent: Ula Karandyszewska & Jędrzej Jezierski AC: Mikołaj Sokołowski Dźwięk: Andrzej Andruszkiewicz Charakteryzacja: Ada Solińska, Monika Grzelak Montaż: Stanisław Nietrzebka  Kierownik Planu: Mateusz Pietrzak

♬ dźwięk oryginalny – kosmetykianwen

Influencer marketing in Poland’s beauty industry can be time-consuming and challenging, but with creative strategies, your brand can stay ahead of the competition. If you are looking for help to find the right influencers and plan campaigns that actually resonate with Instagram users in Poland, contact us and talk to our experts! We will provide the best solutions for your brand’s profile.