According to most forecasts, the technology market is currently one of the most stable segments of the economy in terms of development. It is estimated that at least until 2022 it will record constant growth, especially in the software sector and the production of IT equipment. Although these forecasts fill the owners of technology companies with hope, without a good strategy the chance of success on the Polish market decreases dramatically. Especially as the competition includes the global giants.
What is more, companies from Poland are also experiencing a boom. In the recent “Fast 50” ranking of the fastest-growing technology companies in Central Europe, as many as 30% of the places were taken by Polish companies, and at the top of the list was the Polish company Packhelp.
Can you still find a place for yourself here? Yes – but without proper promotion. Today we suggest what to implement in the marketing strategy of a technology company on the Polish market from the perspective of a Polish advertising agency.
Table of contents:
- Positioning of a technology company
- E-marketing for Polish clients
- Content marketing
- Polish social media
- Polish influencers in the tech industry
Determine where and how you want to position your business
Every well-crafted strategy starts with research. The best research collects a range of data – from the viewpoint of employees, to external stakeholders, to customers. It will also be necessary to analyse competitive positioning, analysts’ predictions and industry trends in Poland. Not everything that is popular in the West is equally popular in Poland.
Take, for example, Amazon, the global e-commerce giant, which only arrived in Poland in 2021. It will probably take a very long time for it to try and dethrone Allegro, the reigning e-commerce platform here.
An equally clear example is Apple – another big player in the global technology market. In Poland products with the Apple logo are becoming increasingly popular, but in comparison to competing brands they are chosen much less frequently. Apple products are too expensive for many Poles, especially when converted into PLN (Polish currency). Apple’s customers in Poland are most often young people, living in big cities and earning much more than the lowest national income.
Preliminary market research must include a detailed analysis of primarily two elements: competition (you must plan what you want to dominate the market with) and target groups (promotional strategy aimed at individual customers will differ from that of B2B).
E-marketing for Polish clients
Regardless of who your target audience is, one thing you can be sure of – your audience will overwhelmingly be people navigating the internet. So if your advertising budget is limited, we recommend focusing solely on e-marketing.
The absolute most important element of the strategy should be a well-positioned website in Polish. When choosing keywords, we suggest focusing on the most specific phrases possible. In the technology industry, the market is oversaturated, and the giants have huge budgets that allow them to take over almost the entire SERP (search engine results, e.g. in Google).
To stand out, you need to be clever. It is worth using a long-tail strategy, i.e. long phrases that answer specific questions asked in the search engine. We often advise clients in the technology industry in Poland to focus on the highest possible conversion of the site, rather than the number of hits. Sometimes less empty traffic means better.
Content marketing
Content has been king for many years and in the case of the technology industry, this principle is more than adequate. If you are targeting individual customers, the value of content increases dramatically. It happens that a long, substantive and valuable article (e.g. the so-called ultimate guide) is able to increase website traffic even by several hundred percent, generating the vast majority of all visits to the site.
However, in the technology industry, it is not only the high quality of content that counts, but also the speed at which it is added. Trends and technologies change all the time, and creating content for this industry can sometimes seem pointless – it is not uncommon for articles or videos to become outdated after just a few months. So it’s worth hiring someone who will be solely responsible for maintaining and updating content.
What type of content works best for the technology industry in Poland?
- company blog,
- expert articles,
- sponsored articles,
- webinars and live shows,
- video content.
What type of content generates the most traffic?
- handbooks,
- summaries,
- problem solving (step by step),
- reviews and tests,
- industry news (news, events, etc.),
- interviews with experts.
Polish social media and the tech industry
What is worth publishing in Polish social media of a technology company? Although intuition (and the actions of companies from other industries) may suggest that everything that generates interaction pays off, the reality is not so obvious. It all depends on your target audience. If you’re a tech company targeting a younger audience, a high level of interactivity (loose posts for engagement, etc.) will certainly work.
However, if you position yourself as a more “serious” company or your target audience is businesses and business owners, treat Polish social media as a platform for knowledge sharing. News, expert articles, research results, analysis of reports or industry interviews, or sharing your own materials such as videos, blog content or e-books will certainly be more valuable than funny cat videos.
It is worth building an expert image from the very beginning – that is why, in our opinion, a team which will help you create content and manage social media in Polish is a big step towards success on this market.
Polish tech influencers
There’s no denying that the huge reach of influencers can tempt many a marketer. In the case of Polish influencers associated with the tech industry, there is another added value – a high level of trust. Let’s face it, most laymen look for factual knowledge on the Internet. Where? On YouTube, industry blogs or social media of industry specialists.
The technological influencer market in Poland is extremely diverse, so here again – everything depends on the profile of the business and the preferred target.
Slightly generalising, we can divide it into several parts:
Specialised influencers:
- Kuba Klawiter
- Robert Nawrowski
- Mobzilla
- Nieantyfan
- TechnoStrefa
- Mateusz Krawczyk
- Blackwhite TV
Technology-related influencers:
- Krzysztof Gonciarz
- Remigiusz Maciaszek
- Blowek
- Rezigiusz
- DisStream
- Ziemniak
- Xayoo
- Ewroon
- Izak
- Pago3
- Mandzio
- Overpow
Journalists from professional portals:
- Spidersweb
- Antyweb (i kanał na YT AntywebTV)
- Komputer Świat
- GSMonline
- What’s Next Telepolis
- Komórkomania
- FotoKurier
- X-kom (kanał na YouTube)
In this article we have presented only a small part of the activities that can be implemented in the promotional strategy of a technology company in Poland. Are you just entering the Polish technology market and need support? We are an experienced Polish marketing agency that will help you develop market research from scratch, build a strategy, choose the right KPIs and constantly monitor the effects of marketing activities. We have experience in introducing technological brands to Poland. If you want to be one of them, contact us now!