4.7 million. This is the current number of accounts on LinkedIn in Poland. Compared to last year’s figures, this is around half a million more people. That’s maybe half a million potential customers for your brand. What’s more, as many as 58% of them are between the ages of 25 and 34 – young people who care about their careers and are interested in finding valuable content or new business contacts. Does it make sense to invest in LinkedIn marketing in Poland? And if so, when? And what to look out for when communicating to Polish clients on LinkedIn?

Table of contents:

  • LinkedIn marketing in Poland – when is it worth investing in it?
  • What does good LinkedIn marketing in Poland look like? 
  • How to run LinkedIn in Poland? Some tips from social media agencies
    • Start by building relationships
    • Create valuable content 
    • Leverage leaders and employees

LinkedIn marketing in Poland – when is it worth investing in it?

As we learn from the report ‘LinkedIn in Poland in 2022‘, the dominant industry in which LinkedIn users in Poland work is software and IT-related services (over 400,000 users). In second place is the manufacturing sector – with automotive, mechanical and industrial engineering and industrial automation in the lead. Third place is taken by services – consulting (management), accounting, specialised training, and HR. More than 250,000 LinkedIn users in Poland, on the other hand, work in the world of finance. Looking solely at the data on professional qualifications, a simple conclusion can be drawn – if your brand operates in any of these areas, its presence on Polish LinkedIn could be a hit. 

A similar conclusion can be reached by looking at the most popular company profiles on Polish LinkedIn. These include brands that operate in industries such as:

  • IT and new technologies (e.g. CD Projekt)
  • Finance (including banks e.g. Santander Bank Polska)
  • Consulting (e.g. PwC Poland)
  • IT services (e.g. Sii Poland)

LinkedIn in Poland is increasingly becoming the first choice that brands are also reaching for in B2B communication – and this is true both in the form of organic communication and paid forms of business outreach. And indeed, it is a game worth playing. The data leaves no doubt: as many as 25% of Polish LinkedIn users are decision-makers in companies (owners, directors, vice-presidents, managing partners or executives). Such a specific type of audience is also followed by higher status, higher salaries, but also a greater openness to business opportunities – including establishing relationships and searching for valuable content. It would be a sin not to take advantage of this. 

And indeed, brands are following this trend. Compared to last year, the number of publications created or shared by brands on LinkedIn increased by more than 60%. As you can see, the marketing potential here is huge, especially if your brand has a good chance of finding many new customers on this platform (whether it operates in the B2B or B2C sector). Just how do we make this happen?

What does good LinkedIn marketing look like in Poland? 

Compared to the US or the UK, Polish LinkedIn is quite specific. What sets it apart is… there is still not much happening on it. Despite an increase in the number of active users, there are still few people actively contributing to the platform. In the whole of 2021, only 2.7% of Polish users published any content on LinkedIn. This is 8 percentage points less than in the previous year! It is worth being aware of this and not getting discouraged when, over long months of regularly publishing marketing content, the response continues to be low. Although Poles are somewhat more willing to engage in discussions, they still do so rarely and prefer to remain passive readers. It is therefore usually better to look for other KPIs than the number of comments under publications. 

LinkedIn in Poland is strongly correlated with the business world, so it is naturally associated with professionalism. It gains an advantage as a valuable source of knowledge right from the start, especially if we compare it to Instagram or Twitter. When creating a publication plan, it is therefore a good idea to focus on sharing truly valuable, original knowledge there. Content minced like a reheated chop? Not here. 

What the ideal LinkedIn marketing should look like in Poland depends on the industry in which the brand operates. The content published or even shared should meet at least one of the following conditions: high quality content, new information, inspiring, encouraging reactions and comments or building a relationship with the audience. Of course, the latter can be done in a number of ways, and all the time it is worth smuggling in elements that will simply make potential customers like you. Yes – showing the ‘human face’ of a brand is not exclusive to Instagram or TikTok. It’s a popular procedure on Poland’s LinkedIn. 

It is also important to update your profile regularly. Take care of a high activity rate – Polish users are reluctant to observe “dead” accounts. It is also imperative that the LinkedIn action plan includes a place for reporting news related to the life of the company, its successes, new customers or partnerships, as well as systematically telling about the brand philosophy. This not only increases traffic, but also helps to reinforce the professional image. We probably don’t even need to mention high-quality photos and videos. 

How to run LinkedIn in Poland? Some tips from social media agencies

Based on our experience in LinkedIn marketing for our clients, we have put together some of the most important tips on how to run a company profile to succeed on this platform in Poland.

Start by building relationships

On LinkedIn, there is not even a question of selling without building relationships with your audience. Polish users are used to treating brands on an equal footing with ordinary users. Any intrusive forms of selling are at best disregarded and at worst severely criticised. So how do you build relationships on a company profile?

Publications on company life

On LinkedIn, it’s a good idea to showcase your brand’s activities frequently. But it’s not about the classic “we are X and we do Y”. In a flurry of business and pseudo-business content, originality and authenticity are at a premium. How do you achieve this? For example, through behind-the-scenes footage, showing employees (also from the private side) or telling business anecdotes. See how PKN ORLEN S.A. achieves this goal:

PKN ORLEN brand on Polish LinkedIn
Source: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6948543390112210944/


Surveys on Polish LinkedIn are quite popular and, most importantly, generate a lot of traffic and engagement. The portal gives us a convenient tool for publishing such surveys, so it is worth using them in communication (of course, not in excess). We ourselves are keen to use this type of audience building on our clients’ profiles. 


We always recommend clients to build their own groups on Polish LinkedIn. This allows you to gather a trusted audience around your brand. All valuable contacts and lots of customers (or potential customers) in one place. Doesn’t that sound good? Just remember to keep the communication there constantly. A dead group is no good.

PwC Poland brand group on LinkedIn
Source: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/4904333/ 

Create valuable content marketing

With substantive content, Polish LinkedIn is alive. And no matter how many marketing experts trumpet the content-saturated Poles, valuable knowledge will always defend itself. Such content should fulfill at least two purposes: to teach something and to build a professional image of the brand or its representatives. Admittedly, even simply linking to blog articles (or even linking to other people’s content as a form of sharing findings) works quite well for this, but it is better to take care to create separate content specifically for LinkedIn.

Infographics and graphics

In addition to classic publications (e.g. plain text, text + image, text + video or text + link), all kinds of infographics and graphics achieve phenomenal reach. Not only do they give recipients a dose of specific knowledge in a nutshell, but they are also eye-catching and easy to share. Don’t forget to label such graphic materials with your brand logo or watermark.

Astek Poland brand on Polish LinkedIn
Source: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/astek-polska_astek-astekpolska-astekteam-activity-6928334311301500928-1cQt?utm_source=linkedin_share&utm_medium=member_desktop_web 

Industry reports and case studies

LinkedIn gives us the option to add PDFs. Such an option encourages brands to share original reports, research findings or even case studies. In the heavily business-oriented environment that dominates this platform, ‘boring’ content such as a report of several dozen pages will be a tasty morsel for industry enthusiasts eager for valuable knowledge. And whoever provides it to them gains competitive advantage points.

EY Poland brand on Polish LinkedIn
Source: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/ey-polska_eyabrpolska-zielonatransformacja-zmianyklimatyczne-activity-6945736507215233024-It92/?utm_source=linkedin_share&utm_medium=member_desktop_web 

Expert articles 

The article writing option gives us 4,000 characters with spaces and the possibility of attaching additional documents. It is worth treating articles as a simplified form of blog text (especially if the brand does not have a corporate blog run in Polish). Articles on LinkedIn rank very well on Google. And this is already a step towards new customers. Below is an example of a graphic for an article by the Almetrik brand, which entered the Polish IT market in 2021. Thanks to our support, it has already managed to gain more than 1,000 valuable observers on Polish LinkedIn in just a few months:

Almetrik brand on Polish LinkedIn
Source: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/5-useful-skills-beginning-devops-engineers-journey-/ 

Utilise leaders and employees 

LinkedIn in Poland is a graceful space for personal branding, especially for various types of experts, freelancers or company leaders. Tapping into their potential, reach and network gives powerful support for brand development on this platform. As a Polish social media agency specialising in LinkedIn marketing ourselves, we support clients to encourage employees and themselves to actively contribute on this platform under their own name. There are no better brand advocates than employees who know from the inside how a brand works and what it has to offer customers. 

What’s more, a personal profile on LinkedIn has 10 times more organic reach than a company profile. Such employee advocacy not only reaches more widely, but also supports lead generation. From experience, we can say that this is currently one of the most effective ways of generating leads in the B2B sector among any other activity across all social media. 

The topic of LinkedIn marketing in Poland is so vast that we have only covered a small part of it in this article. If you are looking for LinkedIna experts who can not only support you with a large dose of valuable knowledge, but also handle your brand’s communication on this platform in Poland on their own, write to us. We are a Polish social media agency that has been supporting foreign brands in image building and sales on LinkedIn for years!

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