How important is closeness and physical touch in strengthening and maintaining relationships? Is social media just a “thief” of our time? Or maybe during this difficult time it can help us maintain and strengthen relationships?
According to research conducted by T – Mobile Polska, more than half of Poles aged 18–34 (55%) admit that they felt ignored by their partner because of phone usage, and as many as 30% believe that sometimes they spend more time in front of a smartphone than with a partner (1). In the current situation, it is online contact that can strengthen your relationship. The lack of possibility of direct contact and meeting bothers all Poles. Your business can also benefit from this!
Young Europeans admit that they do not part with their smartphone, even when they are with their partner. Research conducted by Deutsche Telekom shows that half of Germans aged 18–34 (49%) check their phone in bed, while lying with their partner. Interestingly, as many as 69% of Romanians admit to similar habits! Research conducted by T-Mobile Polska shows that the situation in Poland looks slightly better – one in four of us (26%) decides to take a smartphone to the bedroom.
The main “thief” of time is social media, to which we pay more attention than to another person. On average, Poles spend over 6 hours a day using the Internet. And although modern technologies definitely improve the comfort of life and can facilitate making or maintaining contact, especially at a distance, they will never replace direct contact with a loved one. It is similar in other European countries – according to surveys, 40% of Austrians and 39% of Dutch people feel guilty that instead of spending time with their partner, they devote too much attention to their smartphones.
Research on Internet usage, should be used. Poles use the Internet many hours a day; it is a great opportunity to reach them and to interest them with timely offers.
The results of the study prepared by T-Mobile show that more and more young people, unfortunately, prefer to function in the virtual world, ignoring even their loved ones. It is important to find the right balance between online and offline time. This is not a difficult task, but requires the definition of common priorities, constant commitment to relationships and a clear explanation of the rules. To create a valuable and lasting relationship, you need to communicate with each other and disconnect from mobile devices and the Internet for a long time – emphasizes Dr. Andrzej Depko, a sexologist.
Constant contact and commitment to the relationship is important for offline relationships, but just as important in online contact with your client. It is constant interaction, commitment and the right approach that will allow you to get new customers and a committed community for your business.
About the study
(1) Results of the CATI survey conducted in January 2020, on a representative sample of 1028 people aged 18+ by Difference on behalf of T-Mobile Polska.
(2) Digital in the 2019 report,, 2019
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