The demand for new technology solutions in Poland, especially at the B2B level, is growing. Investments in IT, digital services and modern e-commerce or marketing tools increased particularly intensively after the Covid-19 pandemic. It was then that many companies had to implement modern solutions and software to meet the growing needs of communication, remote work management, sales and new customer habits.
Is it worthwhile for new technology service providers to invest in a dedicated social media communication strategy aimed at Poles? Or is it just an unnecessary expense? And if they do operate in Polish social media, how should they do it? We suggest!
Table of contents:
- Social media in Polish – does it make sense?
- When is it worth running social media in Polish
- What to publish in social media?
- Employer branding
- Image building
- Winning commitment
- Sales activities
Social media in Polish – does it make sense?
We won’t keep you in suspense – in most cases, investing in a separate social media communication for the Polish market makes no sense. The new technology industry usually targets the global market, and most services or products are standarised – that is, they are sold in identical form all over the world. Conducting such dispersed communication in social media is often an unnecessary expense. Especially that people responsible for coordinating cooperation with providers of new technology services in Polish companies communicate efficiently in English. They also have no need to observe a brand’s profile in Polish.
It is enough to look at new technology brands of Polish origin. Despite their Polish origin (and in most cases, Polish employees), they do not communicate in social media in Polish. Examples could be multiplied – from VirtusLab, through Synerise, to a true giant of Polish IT, i.e. CD Project Red, whose Facebook profile is followed by almost 500 thousand people from all over the world. A similar trend is taking place in the B2C sector. Just look at the profiles of Polish mobile game developer Ten Square Games on Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter. A separate communication in Polish was conducted by the Oracle brand until February 2022, but this too was eventually switched entirely to the global profile.
Of course, there are brands that combine communication in two languages. Such a solution can be seen, for example, on the Luxoft Poland profile on Facebook. However, this is a small percentage of suppliers who sell their products and services on the Polish market.
When is it worth conducting social media in Polish?
However, as is usually the case, there are exceptions to the rule presented above. From our perspective, there are several situations in which it is worth considering creating a separate profile with a dedicated communication strategy for the Polish market.
Social media conducted in Polish makes sense when:
- Polish customers make up a very large percentage of your target audience.
- You conduct employer branding activities in Poland.
- Your offer aimed at the Polish market differs significantly from your global offer.
What to publish on social media?
Have you decided that communication in Polish social media is necessary for your brand? Great! Here are some examples of how the best do it to achieve their core marketing goals:
Employer branding
The truth is that in Poland it is difficult to develop a solid employer branding strategy (especially external) without taking into account activities in social media. It is on Facebook or LinkedIn that most Polish employees start their search for information about employers, and the new technology sector is no exception.
A great example of well-run communication aimed at potential employees is the Polish Comarch brand profile on Facebook. Here, one can find information on current recruitments, links to expert articles written by employees, accounts of important events or anniversaries, as well as news about Comarch’s offer.
Image building
With a well-developed strategy, Facebook, LinkedIn or even Twitter can consistently build a positive brand image among potential customers – whether B2B or B2C. The Cisco brand, for example, does this fantastically, with over a million followers on Facebook. On its profile, it communicates all the news from the company’s life – inviting people to events, boasting about the successes or results of reports, talking about new projects and partnerships, and often also presenting the achievements of its employees.
Such actions in social media have a long-term impact on building a professional brand image. They allow to show in a simple way that the company not only cares about sales but also contributes to the development of the entire industry and engages in social campaigns. So if your brand has something to boast about (and above all – it will be of interest to the Polish audience) such communication has the right to work successfully.
Gaining engagement
What distinguishes an ordinary reader, observer or viewer of a film from a real customer? Engagement. Many potential consumers will not buy anything without first consuming engaging and/or valuable content. Here there is only one goal: to provoke a real reaction from the recipient (in the form of liking, sharing, leaving a comment or placing an order). It is difficult to achieve such an effect without precisely reaching the target group. And this, in turn, is almost impossible with a profile run on a global scale.
This is why some brands from the new technology sector decide to run a separate communication channel aimed at the Polish market. This step is usually taken by giants such as Amazon or Spotify. The Polish Spotify profile on Instagram is already followed by more than 70,000 people, and the content is so engaging that posts receive several thousand likes and comments. However, it is worth doing the relevant research beforehand and checking whether the market in Poland is big enough or the offer targeted at this country is different enough from the global one to make such a move profitable.
Another example of successful communication in Polish carried out on Instagram is the NVIDIA GeForce PL profile (70 thousand observers). A particularly interesting project of the brand is #ZPrędkościąWyobraźni, which is a collaboration between NVIDIA GeForce and Polish influencer Włodek Markowicz.
Sales activities
Dedicated advertising campaigns targeted at a given location are obvious and probably do not need to be explained. But what if you want all communication on a brand’s profile to influence the sales results in Poland? A separate profile on Facebook, Twitter or YouTube in Polish and addressed to Polish customers can be a quite effective solution.
This is what the authors of the Polish Senuto tool, which is used to comprehensively support SEO activities for companies, have done. Despite reaching out to clients from all over the world, the brand has decided to communicate dedicatedly to Polish clients. They systematically run a profile on YouTube, where they post videos in Polish only. There, they combine client education (some videos are recordings from live transmissions, even 2 hours long!) with direct selling of the service.
Do you represent a global brand from the new technology industry and are considering communication or social media advertising aimed at the Polish market? Before you take hasty actions, contact our experts! Together we will analyse your situation and determine the directions that will meet your expectations – image, sales and even employer branding.