The tourism market in Poland is changing. Poles are maturing as tourists, and are becoming more aware consumers.
According to a report by the Polish Chamber of Tourism, entitled “Poles’ Holidays Abroad in 2017”, Poles do not appreciate last minute offers as much as they used to, they choose comfort over low costs for summer vacations.
Longer season
In the case of holidays spent abroad, the summer season is longer, but most popular is still the summer months – July and August. In 2017, quite a significant number of trips sold were noticed in June, mainly because of the school holidays, which had started one week earlier. May and September are also gradually becoming ‘holiday’ months.
Poles book in advance
Poles buy more and more, and do it earlier. Nearly 8% of customers are ready to reserve a summer holiday, even one year earlier (October, November, December). It can be observed that the percentage of bookings made up to 10 days before a flight is exceptionally low, while the percentage of bookings made at least two months before a flight is really large. A small percentage of customers decide to book a trip no longer than 10 days before departure. The increase in this trend has brought about a reduction in the number of last minute offers, which are no longer as cheap as they used to be.
Shorter, but more frequent trips
Poles prefer to go on holiday more often, but for a shorter period of time. In the case of organized trips, one can spot a new segment in the market – 3 or 4 day trips such as city breaks or long weekends. A two-week holiday in the high season is planned by less than 20% of families. Such trips usually take place in July and August, and are typical of mainly families with children. City breaks are very popular in low season, mainly among adults who don’t have children.
Preferably by plane
In organized tourism, flight trips are noticeably dominant over the less popular coach or own transport mode of travel – with the exception of customers living in the south of Poland. Competition between cheap and main airlines has caused an increase in the number of available connections.
Poles appreciate comfort
Polish tourists usually go on a one-week holiday to hotels with a high standard – 43% of tourists choose four-star hotels. We go on holiday more and more often, which has had an influence on rising expectations and more informed choices of holiday destinations – such as location and standard of hotel, additional attractions, or catering. We are ready to pay more for greater comfort. The most popular option is definitely all inclusive, which is a standard nowadays, not a luxury. 3 out of 4 travel agent clients choose this option. Poles also expect such an option as this in European countries as well.
If you are active in tourist industry and want to plan a campaign targeted at Poles, call us or write to us. We will help you!