An event is one of the most important tools used to shape a company’s reputation. In order to organise a successful event we must take into account such things as venue, people and atmosphere, as well as decide what its key message is. At All 4 Comms, our recipe for success are the ingredients we use…
1. Set a goal
We ask our clients not only about the purposes of the event (‘’why?”), but also about the objectives (what do they want to achieve?). Many have never reflected on this! You must be aware of the fact that each event (for example, a workshop or a company party) necessitates its own message – which is sometimes apparent, sometimes hidden. There is no room for improvising here; you must define what you expect! The more precise you are when describing the objective of the event, the greater chance of achieving the desired result.
Fairs and festivals are ideal for meeting potential clients and for handing out gadgets – everyone loves something for free. They will remember the brand… or not. However, if we set ourselves the goal of increasing traffic on our social media profile, giving clients the possibility to take hilarious photos with funny backgrounds, they will undoubtedly share it with their friends and ask for “likes”. Consequently, more people will display and observe your profile.
2. Choose an appropriate location
Location is essential as it determines people’s behaviour, creates message and evokes good or bad emotions. In order to secure the perfect location, it is even worth changing the date or the character of the event. However, if the event venue is far from perfect – do not panic. Good set designers are able to create wonders, while a brilliant one may create a professional “mirage” for your guests!
An integration party that we organized in a castle basement did not require special attention. Old brick walls, candlelight, torches and barred windows, totally thrilled and delighted guests at a company Halloween party.
3. Find some analogy, or even better – a contrast
The rule that an elegant party should be organised in a palace is reasonable, but… the type of dress style where everything must be totally colour coordinated is boring, isn’t it? Matching is good, but contrast is even better. The French who “tweaked” the Louvre with a pyramid made of glass, and combined a straggly hairstyle with elegant attire, understood contrast very well.
One of the best company events we ever organized was a business party in a fun centre for kids. Neither suits, nor evening dresses prevented guests from going down gigantic slides or having fun in a ball pool.
4. Create a convention
Freedom is beautiful, but in practice also difficult. Too wide a choice kills creativity! The rule that the least people have to do, the better fun they have, has proved to be true many times – as the unabated popularity of fancy dress balls or thematic events shows. Create a convention that you will be able to play with, suggest conversation topics, facilitate establishing contacts – people will be grateful and… relaxed. And the more relaxed guests are, the better fun they have.
At kids parties, so appreciated by brands that call themselves “family brands”, we can always see a great number of princesses wearing tulle dresses, several Spider-Men and a few boys in Batman costumes. Children like to live the dream, even briefly. We recently suggested to a client to invite children to a “pirates cave”. On the day blindfolds, artificial legs and arms, hooks and colourful bandanas, created such a highly charged atmosphere, that even older teenagers dressed up and were totally absorbed in the event. And, remember – parents are ‘big kids’ too – for this event they engaged enthusiastically in a ‘fight’ for the treasure chest.
5. Yield to the course of events
As event organizers, we have some influence on many things, but not on all. I do not have to explain to anyone that the organizer’s work involves detailed preparation of all possible scenarios. However, people are unpredictable – aren’t they? The human factor makes events unique. During events, just as in life, instead of worrying about trivial disturbances, we are happy that our guests have come, that the weather is in our favour and that the band is playing. And- if we are having fun, others will have a great time too!