As a foreign company, how do you set about starting PR in Poland? What are the most popular and effective types of PR campaigns in Poland? Who to contact for help in carrying out specific public relations activities? Read on, and be enlightened.
Audience targeting in Poland
PR activities aimed at Polish clients should obviously start with selecting the appropriate group of recipients. It may turn out that the people for whom you created PR content in other markets will not be your recipients on the Polish market. Therefore, starting a campaign should be preceded by audience research and then selecting appropriate methods of reaching them. As a Polish public relations agency, we can help you choose and define your audience.
Good PR in social media
The simplest and least expensive method to start activities that will help in building the long-term image of your company on the Polish market is social media. Remember that your communication, e.g. on Facebook, directly translates into how Polish customers perceive your brand (especially when it is just entering the Polish market). Research shows that when looking for products or services, Poles pay attention to the brand’s online reputation. Try to ask satisfied customers to leave positive feedback, but at the same time do not hide negative feedback – and do not argue with them! Poles have a bad perception of such activities by brands. Also invest in linguistic help. If you create posts yourself, use a translator or editor. Spelling mistakes automatically delete the company in the eyes of Polish recipients!
Press releases and expert articles for Poles
If you are looking for Polish media where you can publish articles about your brand, you can use ready-made tools, e.g. the White Press platform. It is also worth preparing a media database in your industry to which you will send news about your company’s activities or new products. There is usually a fee for submitting such press releases, although there are exceptions. If you are not familiar with the Polish media market, we strongly suggest that you approach Polish PR specialists who have experience and are totally familiar with the rates and opportunities.
Cooperation with Polish influencers
As part of PR activities in Poland, you can also use the help of influencers. Cooperation with micro-influencers works well in Poland in building an expert image of the company and reaching recipients of your target group with the content. These are people with smaller ranges, but they attract customers from a specific industry and generate a lot of interaction. Large campaigns with influencers work effectively as advertising. Smaller, but more frequent cooperation is, in turn, a great way to build public relations in Poland in the long term and remain in the minds of clients.
Image crisis in Poland
However, how to deal with the brand’s image crisis in Poland? First of all, it is worth understanding why the crisis happened. If the reason was not adjusting your actions to the specificity of Polish recipients, do not pretend that nothing happened. As customers, Poles differ from typical “Western” European customers. They forgive brands for possible mistakes and mishaps for longer. Your reaction must be quick and completely overt. Never put the blame on others and try to sweep the matter under the rug. In your communication, avoid topics that are sensitive to Poles: politics, religion or cultural differences. “Safe” content is much better.
This article is only a small part of what a foreign company that wants to start PR activities in Poland should know. If you need experts in this field, contact us.