During the lockdown, the Polish economy really suffered. The latest research on Polish consumers clearly shows that Poles have transferred almost all aspects of their lives to the Internet: work, signing documents, education, medical services, and communication with the family. The internet sales significantly soared compared to previous years. How do Poles buy online in 2020 and how can you use this knowledge in your marketing activities?
Poles and e-shopping
According to the ExpertSender report “Online shopping in Poland in 2020”, within one month, 31% of Poles spend between 101 and 300 PLN online, and 28% between 301 and 500 PLN. Due to the pandemic and social quarantine, as many as 59% of Polish consumers interviewed admitted that they buy online at least once a month. In turn, 33% shop online at least once a week. More than half of Poles declare that they do not need a brick and mortar store and can easily make purchases via the Internet. What do Polish customers buy online? First of all books, CDs, films, multimedia, as well as tickets to events. The popular products also include clothes, cosmetics and interior accessories.
What do Poles pay attention to when shopping online?
According to Monitor Promocji ARC Rynek i Opinia, the percentage of so-called “promotion hunters” is increasing among Polish customers. They are competition enthusiasts, lottery participants and people whose main motivation to buy are current promotions. They often use price comparison websites to benefit from the most profitable offer. According to the report, more and more promotion hunters are people between 23 and 34 years of age. This situation is undoubtedly influenced by the pandemic, and the uncertainty related to the possibility of loss of income. Moreover, trends in retail indicate that Polish customers are more and more willing to use loyalty programs offered by brands. In return for the prospect of savings, Polish customers are ready to share valuable data about their shopping habits. It is worth using this knowledge to create targeted ads and e-mail marketing campaigns. The data clearly shows that in addition to the price, Poles also pay attention to the opinions about the store and the availability of many products when shopping online.
Why do Poles abandon baskets?
The mere existence of a store and directing traffic to it are unfortunately not enough. As many as 91% of Polish customers abandon their shopping carts at some stage of shopping. When designing both the store layout itself and the subsequent online advertisements, it is worth looking at the most common reasons why Polish customers abandon shopping carts. These are factors that reduce the chance of a successful internet transaction.
According to the data from the Expert Sender report, they are:
- pop-up ads on the site,
- lack of information about the expected delivery,
- advertisements targeted at non-existent products,
- intrusive, repetitive advertisements,
- complicated, poorly designed websites,
- no favourite payment methods (in Poland online bank payments and cash on delivery dominate),
- advertisements for products already purchased,
- bad customer service.
How to advertise your online store in Poland?
Poles surveyed by ExpertSender find their way to online stores primarily through advertising in social media. It is important not to overlook such an important tool as advertising on Facebook, Instagram or YouTube when planning your marketing budget. What’s more, almost half of the respondents say that one of the factors of purchasing decisions is whether the e-store communicates on social media. When reaching Poles, it is therefore not worth forgetting to run social media in Polish. Another, equally effective tool for advertising your online offer in Poland is a newsletter. As many as 23% of respondents define e-mails from brands as one of the main channels where they find out about products and special offers. The least effective marketing activities include notifications from mobile applications, SMS marketing, advertising in traditional media, chatbots and pop-up ads.
How to plan your advertising budget for Poland in 2020?
Customer preferences are one thing – but how to use this knowledge in practice in the times of the chaotic situation of the Polish economy? According to the Spicy Mobile study “The world of marketing after lockdown” among marketers responsible for advertising campaigns, emphasis should be placed primarily on mobile advertising. Programmatic and running social media in Poland are indicated as the most effective and perspective advertising on the Internet. In turn, almost half of the respondents agreed that they will also spend on video advertising next year. After lockdown, budgets are spent almost exclusively on sales ads (increasing traffic on the website or acquiring leads). In difficult times, marketers are less likely to invest in image-building or relationship-building advertising. If you advertise your online store to Polish customers, you should also put more emphasis than ever on data analysis. Proper targeting and budget optimisation can significantly reduce your advertising expenses.
Are you looking for a Polish marketing agency that will run your social media in Polish for your online store? Contact us, we will be happy to help.