According to National Statistics, over 75% of children born in some areas of the UK last year were of foreign origin, 3.3% of whom were Polish. In 2015, babies born to Polish parents in the UK, numbered 22,900 according to National Statistics. This is a whopping 23,000 new potential clients for your brands, with approx. 45,000 parents every year on a shopping spree for their new baby/babies.
Mothers are the first port of call for any selling, as over 85% of all purchasing decisions in every household are made by them says Statistically – 70% of them own a smartphone. The traditional ‘momma’ profile has changed throughout the years. The mum of 2017 is more active and more dynamic than ever before. She doesn’t sit at home on the sofa, watching soap operas all day; ironing, washing and cooking. Most actively use social media, maintain relationships with fellow mothers; they are less isolated and rely on opinions of others, including social influencers like bloggers, and social groups on Facebook. Polish mums in general are even more interested in the opinions of fellow mums, including the voices of Polish bloggers and influencers. If you think that they are prone to the influence of mainstream media, we can prove otherwise.
5 Top Strategies which resonate with Polish mums are based on:
Women tend to make their choices impulsively and emotionally. They react to, and pay more attention to, colours and shades, than most men do. Women are very likely to buy products associated with ethical brands, those socially responsible with an authentic story behind them. Usually new mums are even more prone to emotional suggestions as they would do anything for their babies. All sweet, sentimental, emotional stories are at the heart of all the brands targeting mums with a new born. It guarantees almost instant success. Think of Johnson & Johnson and their ads of babies laughing at bath time or baby food which is so delicious that the baby makes a mess all over the room and its body. But what if all of these sweet and emotional adverts are missed and not seen? Polish mums are typically more exposed to Polish adverts displayed in Polish press, portals or TV programmes made in Poland or run in the UK. I can barely count any mums who read or watch British mainstream media. Brands counting on some attention from national ads miss the Polish audience of over 1 million in the UK, which includes at least 600,000 parents.
Polish social groups for mums
A Polish mum would do anything for her baby; she would leave no stone unturned, move heaven and earth to help their babies, and to raise them in good shape and health. Polish social groups for mums in the UK on Facebook alone, attract as many as 18,000 members. Almost every part of the UK has its own dedicated group as well. Reaching them is like winning the lottery! Polish mums statistically don’t follow national mainstream media such as TV or magazines. They seek help online. A group of approx. 500,000 – 700,000 Polish parents is usually missed in mainstream marketing media plans. Meeting them on social groups and talking straight about your product, creates a snowball effect – a snowball which keeps on rolling, rolling, rolling……
Short and sweet messages
Mums are busy; mums are always on the go. Polish mums like staying active. They go to mum& baby groups, they will appreciate baby massage class or nursery rhyme time at the local library. But apart from that, they like meeting other Polish mums, plan their dinners, shop locally, prepare their own meals, and look after themselves. Opposed to British mums, a Polish mum makes sure that a homemade dinner is always served; all the kids and husband are always fed. Polish women pride themselves on being inventive cooks, using fresh ingredients, cooking traditional and fusion food alike. Marketing for them can include meeting them at the POS where they shop, such as Polish traditional delis or the ethnic food section at the supermarket. Short, informative messages that immediately catch the eye are usually the best strategy for brands targeting mums and their kids.
Forget stereotypes
Although a Polish mama is usually quite active and traditional, there are mums out there, who choose restaurants over homemade dumplings in the evening; who simply run businesses that don’t allow them to focus on evening meal recipes. But on the other hand, Polish women are well known for their strong personalities and resourcefulness, which makes them difficult consumers to persuade and attract. Polish women rely heavily on WOM, asking their friends, families and social groups for the best possible choices. That is why it is very important to reach relevant groups of influencers in any communication plan aimed at Polish mums. Surprisingly, Polish women still seek information on Polish websites, blogs and discussion groups. Stereotypes within the Polish community are a big NO NO, as many Poles don’t want to feel that they are typical. We like the sense of feeling different and original in our choices as well. Staying different and fresh with your brand messages will usually be well appreciated by Polish mums.
Stay authentic
Mums are mums. Tired, busy, often exhausted, and they appreciate it if brands treat them as intelligent, independent women, not only mums. Showing mums that others are more perfect and can juggle their duties with the perfection of a Bolshoi Theatre ballerina, is NOT the best idea on Earth. The more effective tactic in marketing is showing them that they are not alone; that behind every corner, on the next street, in their city, town or a country, there are millions of mums who struggle with tiredness, lack of self-confidence, who are not perfect, but are trying hard! Polish mums additionally seem to pay a lot of attention on their looks and health. Appealing to their sense of wellbeing is a very good tactic for any female oriented brand.
Now, let’s think about your products and strategy. Do you want to attract Polish parents? Are they important in your business development plan? Let us prepare you a non-obligation quote on how to meet Polish parents through Polish traditional, non-traditional and experiential media channels.
Margaret A. Szwed