Online language learning platform / Education


We were approached by an educational platform focusing on language learning. The client offers online tutoring provided by more than 30,000 native speakers from all over the world. The platform makes it convenient to learn dozens of languages – both commonly used and less popular ones. As part of its content activities, it also pursues an educational mission, promoting language learning, exploring new cultures and sharing knowledge about international work and business culture.


The client was keen to reach a wide audience across Poland with its messages, and to position itself as an expert brand in the Polish media – both national, local and business media. Our main task was to create and publish PR materials with links on strong domains (Domain Rating 40+). The platform also runs an English-language blog, the content of which had to be partially translated into Polish and adapted to the needs of the Polish reader. The client also needed articles created from scratch for the Polish-language blog.

What did we do?

To begin with, we focused on selecting content available on the brand’s English-language blog and proposing our own topics for articles to be created from scratch.
The content published on this blog is the basis of our follow-up activities each month – that is, providing PR publications with expert commentary from platform representatives to the media in Poland. In addition, from time to time we commission an external company to prepare research on Poles and the Polish market, which is also the source of the PR content we generate.

Scope of work

  • Each month our cooperation with the client includes:
  • Selecting one English-language blog post, translating it into Polish, adding keywords with hyperlinks, proofreading the text.
  • Proposing a new topic for a PR article, developing the text from scratch, adding keywords, proofreading the content.
  • Checking blog posts for correct formatting.
  • Creating and sending out two PR publications to relevant media in Poland and monitoring to ensure publications with active links on DR 40+ domains.
  • Updating coverage tracker.
  • Updating content planner and content ideas document.
  • Creation of dedicated infographics and images for the blog.


As part of the collaboration, we generate an average of more than 90 media publications per month. Around 15 of these are publications with links to the client’s website, 10 of which are on domains with a DR of 40+. PR articles appear in both national media (e.g.,,,, and local media (e.g.,, Experts representing the brand are regularly quoted on major online portals in Poland.