To introduce Tractable’s world-leading technology to the Polish market, and outline its current and potential impact for customers and consumers.
Our client is the international company Tractable, which specialises in artificial intelligence solutions to help people recover from accidents and disasters. Our client’s priority was development in Central and Eastern Europe, especially on the Polish market. In our opinion it was:
• Distribution of the press release in Polish, follow up, media monitoring
• Arranging interviews with company representatives
• Reporting to the client
To introduce Tractable’s world-leading technology to the Polish market, and outline its current and potential impact for customers and consumers.
We got acquainted with the client’s communication strategy for the Polish market. We prepared a map of adequate media, distributed press materials, and set up interviews and case studies.
During 4 weeks of cooperation with the client, we generated 19 media publications, including 10 in top-tier media. We estimate that we reached 80% of relevant media.