Agnieszka Anulewicz-Wypych
Proofreader (English)
Years of experience in marketing communications in total
Postgraduate Studies in the Field of Personal Data Protection Law, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun; Master of Arts in Foreign Language Teaching Methodology, A. Gieysztor Academy in Pułtusk; Advanced Editing and Proofreading Academy, Ewa Popielarz; Course on Polish Punctuation, Ewa Binda; Advanced Course on Proofreading, Patrycja Bukowska
In what I am a master / specialist
Editing and proofreading academic papers, guides, blog posts, and travel content.
Most willingly implements communication activities in areas such as
Education and proofreading
Most willingly works for the following industries
Travel, culture, health, food
English skills
The greatest professional successes
Over 70 books, e-books and other publications edited, some of them in English
Non-professional interests
Painting, travel, cooking and personal development